Non Profit Organization dedicated to preventing at risk youth from committing crimes and entering prison.

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PPI’s is dedicated to working with children, families and their communities by tackling the root causes of crime and incarceration. PPI is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping emotionally and behaviorally troubled children and their families live successfully by addressing goals that are solution focused and links families with local resources. PPI is a charitable organization that provides reliable high-quality, responsive, programs and services, supervised recreational activities, vocational guidance, tutorial services and supplemental referrals for other needs. We strive to be good advocates, listen carefully, and respect those served and those contributing resources.

We serve at risk youth by building upon what works, play to strengths and partner for other needs. We engage in activities that address a compelling need and align with our core competencies and areas of excellence. We support the immediate needs of at risk youth by working with local partners best situated to assess, respond, and prepare for the long-term recovery. We ally ourselves with an expanded network of strategic partners who are working on related causes and complementary interventions in order to leverage resources. With efficiency we combine the best of approaches for the benefit of at risk youth in need. PPI helps local programs, government agencies, and families work together.

PPI offers crisis counseling and referrals for troubled youth and families that prevent youth from entering the juvenile justice systems. On-going prevention and early intervention services provided through PPI include: family and youth counseling designed to reduce conflict and tension among family members so the youth can remain in their home; we provide guidance and support to families and individual youth. When a youth is beyond parental control to the point that the youth’s behavior endangers the health, safety, or welfare of the youth or any other person; or has a substance abuse problem, it’s time to contact PPI.

PPI’s resource service team is designed to address the needs of adolescents who demonstrate significant emotional and behavioral problems. Our programs are focused on building family strengths and resiliency. Our treatment for adolescents provides intensive counseling services to adolescents who are exhibiting severe behavioral or emotional problems. This structured program offers individual and family counseling, group therapy, and education assistance. Parents are involved throughout the treatment process in establishing goals, monitoring progress, and determining when discharge criteria have been met. Only when parents and youth participate, can the programs work. Long term success is achieved by a supportive family. The primary core service is family counseling, since research shows that working with families as a unit is the most effective way to impact the kinds of presenting problems that PPI’s programs are designed to resolve.

Accountability and Transparency is a fundamental principle for PPI. How it carries out its mission is to maintain a firm policy of full transparency in its finances, especially in how the organization uses the donations that it receives each year. We ensure value for money by generating efficiencies, leverage resources, and maximize improvement for at risk youth with every dollar spent. We maintain modest fund raising and administrative expenses. Through our work, we help donors support a great cause with effective tax-advantaged donations. PPI holds open meetings for the people and companies that invest in our operations with their financial and material support.

Finally, PPI also maintains clear conflict of interest and whistle blower policies that enable the organization to maintain its financial integrity and its reputation for transparency to our supporters and the broader public.

PPI Federal Tax ID number is: 47-1273232.

PPI does not discriminate. We deliver help without regard to race, ethnicity, political or religious affiliation, gender, sexual orientation. PPI’s human services is an equal opportunity employer and service provider. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to persons with disabilities.

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